Sunday, July 25, 2010

365 photo day 4 & 5

I had trouble with this blog last night, so I've loaded last night's picture and today's as well. Hope you like them!

A color boosted, eyes brightened, teeth whitened version of one of my sister's bridal pictures

This photo is a little brighter than I normally like, but for some reason it just works in this photo of Maygan.

Friday, July 23, 2010

I don't know if you can see it from this small photo... but if you look very closely, there is a tiny green catapillar in the clover flower. I didn't see him until after I took the first shot.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

365 Photo blog Day 2

For today's photo, I give you the all new thank you card. I'm going to start including these in my wedding packages. Of course this will only work for those who do both engagement and wedding pictures... here is my favorite design example. I even used their wedding colors on the right.

365 Photo blog Day 1

so last night, I tried to post this entirely to late and had some publishing issues. So, I'm reposting. Day 1 and I already messed it up. But I'll post twice. Here is what yesterday's post should have looked like:

For the first post, I wanted to start with something dear to my heart. Why not start with a photo of my niece?

This Photo was taken in Myrtle Beach South Carolina- my home away from home. Using Adobe Lightroom, I removed swimmers in the background, gave the photo a color boost and added a vignette. As for the pose, I simply gave my niece some baloons and let her run with it!